Saturday 24 March 2012

The Future of XBLIG and the C#/XNA programming language

Okay, to start this topic off I have to say that I hope that the C# programming language is kept for Windows8. I would have hoped for XNA to stay to because it is what I use now to program my games, but Microsoft has already announced that XNA will not work on Windows 8.

When I heard this I panicked at first, then I realised that I could just start learning C++. So I downloaded Microsoft DirectX SDK and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 C++ and installed them. An interesting piece of information I found was that Microsoft is merging Directx into the Windows SDK. I ran into my first problem, I couldn’t open Directx and didn’t know how to. And I still don’t. So I just started coding without it in visual studio and started coding. First thing I noticed is that C++ is harder and I Could only run it in the CMD. So I gave up and am buying a book to help me this weekend.

I’ve gone back to C#/XNA and because I was worried about the future of C#, I asked the creator of Soulcaster I and II and Escape Goat what he will do when XNA is taken off Windows 8. This is what he said “@iflyykid We’ll see what options reveal themselves. C# and managed code are popular enough that I’m sure there will be lots of ways to go.” This calmed me down. So hereing from him I’ve looked up some other C# programs and am testing them out. What I think about the future of C# is I think there will be other programs to go other than XNA.

One thing that got me thinking that XNA might actually still be working on Windows 8 is that at the beginning of 2012, Microsoft updated the Creators club website which I thought was weird because they are supposedly abolishing XNA off of Windows 8. So maybe XNA will be on Windows 8 but this increases the chances of XBLIG being on the xbox 720.

Any way, follow me here, on twitter and on youtube and I will post again soon

Friday 23 March 2012

My first post

for anyone reading this i will be trying out tumblr to be used as a blog spot so for now it will be. I am currently developing a game for PC and XBLIG called squareshooter. it will be an online and offline shooter with bots and other players and it will be 2D my youtube is and my twitter is . my future posts will be about games and indie games and i will help people and future posts will be longer. so for now goodbye